a life just ordinary

A Haiku for the coffee lady
December 7, 2010, 11:47 pm
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It is finals time, which can only mean that I am in constant search for more caffeine. I think the barista  may have noticed that my need for energy was slightly more profound today. It could have been the crazy gleam in my eye or perhaps the weird twitch in my forehead that only comes from an overly full cranium. Maybe it was in fear of the overly large, Irish-afro I was sporting because I neglected to try to tame my tresses at all today.

Regardless of the reason she added an extra boost of caffeine to my already juiced up beverage, making my day. (Or at least my two hours until the buzz wore off.)  It is the simple things in life that bring me joy, like free espresso. So a haiku for the barista at Starbucks, who added a little sunshine to my day.

My sweet barista

The extra shot was sublime

Bliss with chocolate

It may not be Shakespeare, but a small token to show my gratitude. Well, that and my change in the tip cup.


A Ode to the Crabby Lady in the Grocery Store
November 20, 2010, 5:18 pm
Filed under: Uncategorized | Tags: , ,

The holidays are upon us and I am starting to notice the signs of the season.  I first noticed it in the grocery store. The festive lights, the holiday songs and my personal favorite, the gift boxes of liquor; nothing says happy holidays like a fifth of Jack Daniels with matching holly-ringed shot glasses.

So flush with holiday stimulation I wandered around the market. It was as I finished my shopping I was particularly inspired today. It was not in a good way. I thought I would channel my frustration Dr. Seuss style.

A poem for the crabby lady in the grocery store today:

On a blustery cold afternoon in November

A grocery list in mind, you tried to remember

The flour, the eggs, the coffee and milk

The sugar, the yams and things of that ilk

All your shopping to do, to prepare for the feast

The potatoes, the gravy the rolls made with yeast

There is one thing you forgot when you left your home

Walked in from the car and talked on the phone

That thing you forgot was your patience and manners

As you rudely cut me off on your way to the scanners

You chattered and whined as you talked on your cell

Putting everyone around you through an insufferable hell

As you unloaded your cart overflowing with food

Oblivious to the fact that you were being quite rude

The aisle clearly stated twenty items or less

Your cart load of groceries caused the checker distress

The holiday time should be happy, festive and fun

But with that attitude of yours there is sure to be none

The moral of this poem I don’t want you to ditch

Next time you go shopping don’t be such a…


This is a family blog after all.