a life just ordinary

A Surreally Doggy Morning
January 22, 2011, 10:41 am
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It happens pretty rarely; a perfect storm of silly and surreal that can spin a normal day into one that leaves you giggling. It is the type of day that convinces me that the great creator has a sense of humor. It is the type of morning that amazes me that human beings are at the top of the food chain. It is the type of moment that leaves me looking for the hidden cameras.

This morning, on my way to sign my daughter up for preschool (at the crack of dawn on a Saturday I must add) I was left laughing and scratching my head in puzzlement.

First there was the woman walking her dog. The lady was a trooper to be sure given the 6 inches of snow on the ground and the bitterly cold winds. Her fluffy white dog, a little less than a trooper I guess. That is why her “walking” the dog meant carrying the dog down the street while she walked her self. Maybe the woman was scared to lose her little white fluff-ball in all of that snow, but she was the only one getting any exercise.

I turned the corner and slowly made my was to Starbucks when I saw the second surreal sight of the day. At first I thought it was a small child walking with his dad. As I pulled to the stop sign I realized that it was no child… It was a great dane, in a coat and hat. To be more clear, a matching coat and hat with his owner. To be EVEN more clear, a knitted red and white hat with a huge red pom pom on top for both of them and blue puffy nylon coat… for both of them.

Just when I thought it could not get any more odd in the world of dogs and men I saw the icing on the cake. A woman driving down the road with her chihuahua perched like a princess in the back windshield on a pinkĀ  pillow… with a feather boa wrapped around her. The dog had the boa, not the woman. I am not sure which is weirder… but I have to respect the need for some marabou-feathery goodness on a cold Saturday morning.

All of this happened before I made it the half a mile to my local Starbucks, my caffeine haven. By the time I got there I ordered an extra shot of espresso, because obviously I had not left the world of dreams.

I don’t know what the rest of the day has in store for me, but it has got to be good! With a start like this, how could it go wrong? I have a new theory… pink marabou-ed chihuahuas, red hatted great danes or pampered white snowballs who can’t walk in the snow must be good luck. It is like the opposite of a black cat crossing your path. Maybe I will buy a lottery ticket.