a life just ordinary

Hello Stranger
June 2, 2011, 1:39 pm
Filed under: Uncategorized | Tags: ,

Okay, okay. It has been too long since I found myself here. My little blog has sat neglected for too long. It seemed that every day there was something a little more pressing to be done. The laundry, the grocery shopping and general house-wifey duties. And lets not forget Damn You Auto Correct dot com, I mean is there anything more funny than random strangers embarrassing themselves to friends and family with an unfortunate spell check? It never gets old!

But between the time lost perusing the interwebs, and catching up on Criminal Minds I realized I was letting a lot of things that I like to do slide in favor of things that are easy to do. I quit creating things in favor of vegetating in front of the television or computer, and hours would pass in the blink of an eye. Wasted time that I could have spent doing something more productive or more fun but instead I watched yet another pedophile get beat up by Elliot Stabler (on SVU, my Lord is he dreamy!) So, today I turned off the television and turned on some motivating music.

Well first I made the mistake of listening to the Sarah McLachlan sing the song from Toy Story and blubbered in my kitchen for ten minutes. (I am not sure how that song made it on to my I-Pod) But then I put on some peppy music and got to work. After an inauspicious start I have managed to clean up my house, color some pictures with my kiddo, get in the garden for a bit and pull some weeds… and now here I am.

I imagine you will see more of me, but don’t judge me if I relapse. After all, Criminal Minds is a REALLY good show… and Derek Morgan is too sexy to quit cold turkey. But I will try to turn off the boob tube and get back to the things that mean more to me than a made up killer on the TV screen. I will keep you posted.